Beverly Friedlander MD
It is also the second most common plastic surgery procedure that’s performed in the United States today. Breast augmentation is intended to restore, enlarge and improve the size, shape, and appearance of the breast. Like all plastic surgery procedures, the result is a collaborative effort between the surgeon and the patient. Here, as with any other cosmetic procedure, the surgeon has the ability to use the structural integrity of the breast, add fullness which is otherwise lacking or misplaced, and create a breast which provides harmony to the psyche and soul.
Simply put, the answer is yes. Both the Gummy Bear Silicone implants available since 2006 and Saline Implants have a long track record of safety.
One of the most common questions asked, and the hardest to answer is how long do the results last after breast augmentation. The improvement we see with the augmentation lasts a long time, for most women that means many, many years. Unfortunately our bodies change, and with that, our breasts change. Things that can affect the results are related to the life cycle and include:*
Regardless of how long the results last, there is a great deal of satisfaction that comes from a breast augmentation procedure.
The actual longevity is still unknown and the FDA is continuing to collect information on that question. We do know that a small percentage of these implants leak annually and need to be replaced. That being said, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If the implant has not leaked and if there are no concerns, it does NOT need to be replaced.*
There are many different variables, such as location of the incision, the size, shape, and type of implant, as well as the location of the implant (under or over the muscle) that play a role in planning the surgery.
New Jersey Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Beverly Friedlander, prefers to place the implant behind the muscle, as this may decrease the potential for capsular contracture (scar tissue) and will interfere less with future mammograms. This is also associated with less implant visibility (particularly rippling) and creates a more natural appearance, especially in thin women.
Surgical procedures are safe, and carry few risks in healthy patients. It is important to disclose any health problems and any medications (prescription and over the counter) that you are taking as they may impact the surgery, such as the use of baby aspirin, a blood thinner. There are risks with any surgery such as infection, bleeding or altered sensibility. These are not specific to breast augmentation. The implants may leak or rupture, and may need to be replaced. There is a common misconception that implants need to be replaced every 10 years. This is of course untrue. Issues requiring revision may include rupture, capsular contracture or a change in size.*
Risks are uncommon but include:
There are many factors that affect the ability to nurse. The breasts will develop normally during pregnancy. When an incision is placed in the natural fold below the breath, the tissue and the ducts are not affected, and nursing should be possible.
The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and patients are followed closely in the office after surgery.
If you are interested in Breast Augmentation and would like to find out if you are a good candidate, please contact our office in New Jersey at (973) 912-9120 to schedule a consultation.
Dr. Friedlander became a plastic surgeon to make a real difference in the lives of her patients. She started her practice in New Jersey three decades ago, and still treats some of her very first patients to this day! Experience the difference that comes from working with a true plastic surgery professional who cares about your results by scheduling your consultation with Dr. Bev.
636 Morris Turnpike, Suite 1A, Short Hills, NJ 07078